Red-breasted Sapsucker

Red-breasted Sapsucker on Red Alder – note how tail feathers are used as a prop/balance against the trunk I’ve previously noticed and commented on Red-breasted Sapsuckers and cold weather as well as speculating on what they are doing in winter around here – so one of things I wanted to do during the recent cold … Read more

Sapsucker Drumming

20110505_RBSA_Lincoln_Street_Drumming.mp3 Been pretty swamped with work and house issues, but have made a little time to go look for spring migrants. This morning on the way back from Totem Park (where there are still lots of shorebirds) I recorded this short clip of a Red-breasted Sapsucker drumming on a metal roof.

Signs of Spring

The Dolly Varden have started to show up near the beaches again. Rowan and Connor have been fishing for them this week, and Rowan managed to catch a 14″ Dolly (her first) this morning. I noticed three Red-breasted Sapsuckers engaged in what I take to be courting behavior. They flew between various trees and utility … Read more

Turning toward Spring

Contrary to forecast, skies over town remained mostly clear through the day. There was a bit of an east wind to make things feel a little cooler, but even so, temperatures warmed up to the low 40s. I was able to find a spot on the south side of a Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis) in … Read more