Song Sparrows

20120415_SOSP_Etolin_Street_Donnelly_Yard-3 I went for a walk this morning and saw some Song Sparrows getting in to it along Etolin Street. The recording above is one singing in the Donnelley’s yard, it had been trading songs with another one across the street. I even saw them have a brief physical skirmish sort of in the middle … Read more

Return of the Sun

The forecast was for cloudy to mostly cloudy skies with a chance of snow. Instead it ended up partly cloudy with the sun only occasionally being partly obscured by a small cloud. After lunch I was thinking the kids and I would go for a walk around the park, but the sun was nicely warming … Read more

Clearing Skies

The clouds broke for a while today. Bright sunshine warmed the air and snow covered peaks were almost blinding white where the veil of clouds hugging their slopes had parted. There was little wind overall, but the sunshine was only temporary – while I was thankful it lasted for the walk over to UAS, I was a little disappointed to see the heavy clouds had moved back in to obscure the sun and mountain tops. I had been hoping to see some nice alpine glow at sunset through the window of the classroom where I was teaching.

While visiting the house today, I got some close up looks at Golden-crowned Kinglets foraging in the pine tree growing next to the former garage. Up on the second floor they were at eye level – so it was fun to watch them flit from branch to branch looking for food.

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WR: Night Twenty-seven

Rain off and on through the night and morning. Quite a bit of activity in the early hours of the morning. I can’t decide whether the calls were from Gulls, Otters, or both. Mystery Calls: These calls started around 4am, and continued off and on for the next couple of hours, at least. I have … Read more

WR: Night Four

Mystery Call: I’m not sure what this is, perhaps an owl? Possibly a human? Download Mystery Call Gulls: The gulls have been quite vocal. I’m pretty sure these are about 1/8 mile or more away over on Indian River, where they are feeding on the spawned out salmon. Download Gulls Golden-crowned Kinglet Calls: I believe … Read more