Slushy Gray Day

Heavy overcast and calm around town. Despite temperatures in the upper 30s to 40F, heavier showers included a mix of snow. Roads were in reasonable condition today, especially compared with Sunday night. However, overall snow seemed slow to melt. The dim gray light and snain/slush falling from the sky early this afternoon were not especially … Read more

Crescent Harbor Birds

Winds out of the south or southeast, and warmer temperatures as the day went on. What little precipitation fell during daylight hours was snow, but it shifted to a light rain later. Higher temperatures were not sufficient to keep the wind from feeling biting on my walk this morning. I decided to check out Crescent … Read more

Chilly West Wind and Loons

Snow showers continuing with temperatures right near freezing, so more accumulation. West wind was chilly. I checked the channel and saw a Red-throated Loon and Pacific Loon not too far from each other. As I watched, the Pacific Loon swam towards the coast guard dock, and the Red-throated Loon followed a bit behind. I decided … Read more

Snowy Cross Trail Loop

Warmer (into upper 30s) and less windy today, but precipitation still fell mostly as snow. This afternoon I walked a loop to Indian River and along the cross trail back to Baranof Street. I felt motivated in part by a desire to document coho salmon for the year. Connor said he saw a couple in … Read more

Snow Showers

The snow showers and associated winds out of the west that developed last night continued through today. The sun peaked through a couple of times between showers. Despite regularly falling snow, it never got deeper than two or three inches. Above freezing temperatures made for heavy, wet snow that compacted under its own weight and … Read more

Thanksgiving Rain becoming Snow

Rain fell with varying intensity throughout daylight hours. Temperatures dropped enough later in the day for wet snow to prevail, and by late this evening an inch or so had accumulated. I think yesterday’s warmer temperatures resulted in more insect activity at the porch light than I’ve been seeing many days. Last night several winter … Read more