Sphagnum and Insects

After a quick walk around Totem Park this morning to check on shorebird activity (it was pretty quiet), I spent most of this sunny (but not quite as warm as the past couple days) day wandering around in muskegs with Kitty checking out sphagnum mosses. Kitty is heading south for a workshop, so I took … Read more

Walk to Totem Park

Around noon (shortly after the 12.38 high tide) I went for a walk down along Lincoln Street and through the park. I was thinking with the high tide there might be some birds fairly close to land, but it was much quieter than I hoped. I did see some Harlequin Ducks and gulls by the park. Black Turnstones on the beach, and Red-breasted and Common Mergansers off-shore and in the river, respectively.

Weather was quite gray this morning, though it was starting to get brighter by the time I left. While out walking, the clouds broke up and I saw a brief bit of sun and blue sky between the rain and hail squalls.

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Caddisfly and Blue Lake Campground Flora

Rowan caught a caddisfly along the lower part of Gavan Hill trail and carried it home for me to photograph. Later in the day I took some pictures of plants at Blue Lake Campground. In particular, I was interested to see how much the buds of Ribes plants had already developed. It seemed a bit early to me for that.

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