Daily Observations

Weather: Although it was mostly cloudy to overcast for most of the day, there was a large patch of blue sky over town this morning. Winds were fairly calm. Birds: Migration seems to be going in full swing. I saw Savannah Sparrows (the first I have seen since late May). There were also warblers, including … Read more

Daily Observations

We took my mom over to the airport this morning for her flight back home. While there Melissa talked me into renting a car. She wanted to drive it and I wanted to go up Harbor Mountain. The weather looked like it was holding off, so I decided to make the trip from Harbor to … Read more

Daily Observations

I was grateful for a second day without rain and only light breezes, as I had planned a birding cruise. The weather cooperated wonderfully, and we were able to go out beyond St. Lazaria to look for Horned Puffins in fairly light seas. Weather: For a second day in a row it was mostly cloudy. … Read more

Daily Observations

I took a short walk around Totem Park this afternoon, taking advantage of the first day without rain this week. Weather: After much rain, the weather finally broke. Today we had mostly cloudy skies, but no rain. Birds There were quite a few birds scattered between the west beach in front of the Visitor’s Center … Read more

Daily Observations

After steady rain all day, Melissa and I walked home this evening and enjoyed the sun shining on the hills in the distance. Weather: There was steady rain throughout most of the morning and afternoon, but the clouds broke this evening. Birds: We have been leaving peanuts out for a neighborhood Steller’s Jay. Today I … Read more