Black-and-white Warbler

Heavy clouds and showery rain through much of the day with minor breaks in precipitation from time to time. Winds much diminished from earlier in the week. Temperatures cooler, with overnight low in the 40s and today’s high in the low 50s. I was up early (for me) to drop my car off for servicing. … Read more

Fall Views at Swan Lake and Silver Bay

Clear and cool overnight, becoming overcast by midmorning. Rain started this afternoon and became heavy later in the evening. Last night when I stepped out, I noticed it was distinctly cooler relative to recent days. When I looked towards the sky, I could see stars. Although it remained clear overnight, and temperatures were in the … Read more

Blustery Gray Weather

Thick clouds and rain, often heavy. Breezy. Temperatures early to 61F, but cooling later in the day. With gusty wind and rain overnight into this morning, I got up on the early side and headed out to see if any shearwaters or storm-petrels might have been blown in. I didn’t find anything like that on … Read more

Gavan Walk

Heavy overcast with periods of rain, heavy at times. Temperatures into the upper 50s and breezy (at least while I was out). I went out this morning to take care of the Gavan hill ibuttons. Before heading to the Pherson Street trailhead, I made a stop by the channel to check the gulls. A couple … Read more