Evening Outing

Another day of heavy overcast and rain. Now nearly halfway through May, our April rush of spring with 10 days of warm, sunny weather is becoming an increasingly distant memory. With persistent cloudy weather, it looks like only one day since then has had above average total solar radiation for the day. I went for … Read more

Rainy Day Loon

Heavy overcast and rain throughout much of the day. Not much wind in town. In the middle of the day I got out for a bit to see what birds might be around. It was more like many of my winter outings, mainly just birding from the car. I did check the park building for … Read more

Spring Visit to the Chaicheis

Partly cloudy early, but overcast for much of the day. Winds were fairly calm. I spent part of the day out on the Chaicheis. The weather hasn’t been that good lately for getting out to Shoals Point or Low Island, though I would like to get out there in the next week or so. This … Read more

Enveloping Gray

I’ve been trying to come up with a good way to articulate the feeling of the weather today. Perhaps ‘enveloping gray calm’ starts to get there. The atmosphere was about as wet as it could be. Microdroplets of mist limited visibility, and it was very calm. I suspect out on the water it might have been disorienting, but I found it peaceful walking within it.

Evening Visit to Swan Lake

Mostly cloudy this morning trending towards heavier overcast by afternoon when a little bit of rain fell.
Mostly cloudy this morning trending towards heavier overcast by afternoon when a little bit of rain fell. I walked down to Swan Lake, and along the way thought I heard a Red-winged Blackbird. One had been reported in my neighborhood earlier in the day, so I wasn’t too surprised. The flock of Greater White-fronted Geese and one Cackling Goose were still at the peninsula. I did hear more closely and ultimately got a look at the blackbird.

Around Town on a Cloudy Spring Day

Overcast with occasional light rain showers this morning and afternoon, partial clearing in the early evening. Winds were light around town, but there were some waves on the water. I headed down to the park this morning. Still some shorebirds and a few ducks around, but still much quieter than last week. I heard Wilson’s … Read more