Sitka Nature Show #229 – Hans Thewissen (encore)

Humpback Whales breaking water with mouths open

Download Radio Show The January 31st show featured a conversation with Hans Thewissen. Originally recorded and aired in March 2019, Hans spoke about the current understanding of the evolutionary history of whales. He also shared some of what he has learned through his work studying the sensory systems of whales. If you have questions or … Read more

Walk Around the Park

Partly cloudy skies this morning trended towards mostly cloudy this afternoon. Forecast showers never showed up in town (or where I was, at least), but I don’t know about elsewhere in the area… I walked around the park late this morning and did notice the Wood Duck in the estuary

Lunar Corona

I was still feeling the effects of yesterday’s long day and inadequate sleep in the days leading up to it. I did get out for a bit this afternoon. Cool and breezy conditions combined with feeling tired resulted in me I running out of motivation quickly. I stopped by the cemetery at the end of … Read more


By the time I was up, a light drizzle had started, and it continued throughout the day. Winds were fairly calm. The clouds lifted a bit at times, revealing snow down to 1500 feet or so on the mountains. I spent a little time out today to see what I could see. I found the Northern Flicker in the same area it’s been….

Japonski Island Birds

Conditions were calm and cloudy today. There was some occasional rain, but it never seemed very hard. I was happy to see a couple of Pine Grosbeaks feeding on fallen mountain ash berries in the lawn below a tree….

A Small Break in the Clouds

After yesterday’s dimness, I was happy to see brighter skies prevailing for more of today. Winds also seemed down significantly from yesterday. This afternoon I went out to Sawmill Cove with Rowan. There were a few more birds than we’ve seen on recent visits….