I was interested to see a raven gathering small twigs from a neighbor’s spruce tree today.
This evening I was struck by the texture on a quarried hunk of Sitka Graywacke being used to help stabilize the edge of the parking lot at SeaMart.
On a Lifelong Journey to Learn my Place
I found this gull in the channel near the Green 11 Marker between UAS and SPC. I saw it on Tuesday but the light was not good enough for me to be sure about how dark its mantle was. I found it again in the same location on Thursday afternoon and was able to get … Read more
Warmer temperatures have arrived (though I expect colder weather is not gone for good) with temperatures getting up to 50+ yesterday and nearly that today. Today was partly to mostly cloudy, with some wind and rain this afternoon. When I walked out this afternoon there was that distinctive smell of rain on dry ground – … Read more
Download Last Sunday night I did my first nature show on Raven Radio (KCAW) here in Sitka. The show was in the ‘Sunday Potluck’ time slot (a show that varies from week to week) and I had Lucy Pizzuto-Phillips as my guest. We spent an hour talking mostly about birds, but also included some other … Read more
Just saw a raven gathering sticks from a spruce tree in the neighbor's yard. #
I was interested to see a raven gathering small twigs from a neighbor’s spruce tree today.
This evening I was struck by the texture on a quarried hunk of Sitka Graywacke being used to help stabilize the edge of the parking lot at SeaMart.
After yesterday’s snow, today brought clear blue skies and a brightly shining sun. I am still fighting a head cold, and wasn’t able to enjoy the weather as much as I might have liked (Connor and Rowan were able to spend much of the day sledding at the golf course with friends, which they enjoyed … Read more