The 12th of June show featured a conversation with Allison Nelson, who recently had a paper published about breeding areas of Hermit Thrushes that winter in the San Francisco Bay area. Her research, and the discovery that some of the thrushes wintering there were nesting in Southeast Alaska was the inspiration for a vacation which included a stop in Sitka. We talked about her work with Hermit Thrushes, including the research on migration, as well as some of her experiences getting to know the breeding birds during her work. If you would like to jump right to the conversation, I introduce it at 3:05 (-55:57).
Allison was kind enough to share a picture of one of the Hermit Thrushes in the study with its geolocator.

If you have questions or observations you want to share, please feel free to leave a comment here or on the page I’ve set up for that purpose.