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WhaleFest Cruise and Birds Around Town

Overcast and rain early with diminishing clouds as the day went on. Partly to mostly sunny skies by late this afternoon.

I spent this morning on the WhaleFest cruise. We started by heading to Eastern Channel and spent some time in that area. From there we went to Deep Inlet all the up to the end, and back to Eastern Channel before heading in.

We saw a couple of whales and scattered birds. I might have seen Thick-billed Murres in Eastern Channel, but did not get a good enough look to be sure. I kept my eyes open for Red-throated Loon, especially in Deep Inlet, but didn’t see any.

After coming back, I made a brief stop at Swan Lake. The Redhead showed nicely and I counted five American Coots.

Today’s high was predicted to be higher than yesterday’s, and I went out to Starrigavan for it again. Today’s tides were as predicted, so it ended up not quite as high as yesterday’s actual, which had a bit of an atmospheric boost.

While at Starrigavan, I met up with Sulli, a birder visiting from Anchorage. We had no luck on the Swamp Sparrow. We did hear and see a Yellow-rumped Warbler. I got poor (but adequate) photos. That brings me down to two species observed without photographs this year.

I got a note from Peggy B-D that she saw the Northern Shrike seen on Japonski. She also saw a Redhead (possibly two) out at Starrigavan. This would be at least a second Redhead in town.

Six American Coots were on Swan Lake late this afternoon.

On the boat trip I met someone who mentioned she follows the blog. That doesn’t happen too often (with folks I don’t already know, at least). It was nice to meet a reader, and I appreciated the encouraging words!

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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