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Recent Observations

Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum edule)

For some reason I haven’t really been getting outside too much lately. I guess it’s easy to feel like staying in as the days get shorter, the rain falls, and the temperature hangs in the cool 40’s instead of the more pleasant 50’s.

Weather: After the Sunday and Monday sunshine, more typical October weather moved in on Tuesday. Clouds and rain with some spots of significant wind persisted through Tuesday and Wednesday. Today there were pretty big waves crashing out on the islands in the sound, but it was only a little breezy around campus.

Birds: A couple of days ago I saw Buffleheads for the first time this fall.

Today there were several Greater Scaups on Swan Lake as well as a couple of American Wigeons.

Flora: The alder trees in the back yard were really losing leaves in the wind on Tuesday.

I noticed a carrot family plant blooming on Lincoln Street today. I think it’s fairly safe to say that it will not have time to make seeds. I think it was a Kneeling Angelica.

Speaking of carrots, Connor and Rowan helped me pick some carrots in our small garden. They seemed to think it was a lot of fun.

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