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Busy Day and New Birds

Heavy clouds and frequent rain. Winds seemed diminished from yesterday.

I ended up having a full day, with little outside time. This morning I finished up gathering the information I needed to get my taxes taken care of. My timing at the tax accountant was not great, as I had to wait the better part of two hours (for all but the last few minutes of that, no one else showed up that would have been in front of me if I had come later).

I made a brief stop by Swan Lake and saw a Northern Pintail (reported earlier by DK) at the far upper end. It’s the first of those I’ve seen this year, my 84th of the year. I’m a couple species ahead of the pace for birds compared to the past couple of years. I also got my first decent look at (and photo of) a Savannah Sparrow for the year.

I did go out again later in the afternoon. The channel was much quieter (I had seen many gulls there on a brief stop before going to the tax office).

Most of the ducks seemed to have left Swan Lake, and I didn’t see the pintail.

I checked the mouth of Indian River in case it might have flown to the park. It’s possible that it did, but I didn’t see it right at the river mouth.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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