Site icon Sitka Nature

Snow and a Second Flicker

Partly sunny this morning, becoming mostly cloudy by midday. Temperatures into the mid-30s.

It snowed some inches overnight, but warmer temperatures reduced the snow pack today. Tomorrow it’s supposed to clear and then turn colder overnight. Outflow winds are forecast for the coming days.

By the time I went out late this morning, the roads were better than they had been early. Based on some social media posts, there were some issues this morning, especially on some side streets on hills.

After looking for two months before seeing my first Northern Flicker of the year, I was amused to see one show up outside my window this morning. It seemed to be checking out my suet feeder, but didn’t appear to eat any.

Other than a short drive to look for birds, I didn’t spend much time outside today. I certainly wasn’t feeling anywhere near as ambitious as the folks I spotted on Picnic Rock. With all the snow overnight it probably would have been a real slog to plow be leading through the powder. I suspect it was easier on skis, which I think they were on, based on the tracks I could see.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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