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Horned Puffins and Glimpses of Sun

Cloudy with rain, becoming snow. Temperatures remained above freezing, but enough wet snow fell to form a layer of slush. The solid overcast broke up a bit in the afternoon as a more showery regime moved over.

I went out for a bit this afternoon as the sun was breaking through for the first time.

It turned out to be only a brief spot of sun before the clouds closed up again.

I noticed a Horned Puffin out in the channel between the ramp and SPC. While watching it, I saw a second as well. They remained too far out for decent photos, but I did get a documentary shot.

The first time I saw Horned Puffins in the channel was 16 years ago, almost to the day. They showed up again at least one other winter (where they were seen in the channel) since then. I think there was another winter or two where I saw at least one during winter in the inner part of the sound, but it’s definitely an unusual thing.

I’m guessing these have been around since late last fall. Connor saw one swimming by the park. They’ve been seen several places this year along the road system, but this is the first time I’ve seen them in the central channel so far.

I had seen a flock of Barrow’s Goldeneyes near the work float. After deciding the Horned Puffins weren’t likely to come any closer, I decided to go there.

When I arrived, I saw a Horned Puffin in that area. I ultimately saw three up at one time. I’m suspect (but don’t know for sure) that two of them were the same as I had seen previously. While I was watching, one came up quite near the work float. It saw me, started paddling away, then quickly dove.

I drove out to Starrigavan. I didn’t work too hard to see all the birds. There were two groups of gulls, which I briefly scanned. I didn’t see any that stood out to me.

I did enjoy seeing the very low clouds insinuated among the trees.

I didn’t see too many birds from Harbor Point, but there was a whale far off towards Olga Strait.

This evening I made progress getting my work area cleaned up. I have many containers with varying degrees of labels. Most contain collections I have made within the past couple of years. In some cases, what was inside is pretty far gone. Too much moisture in the enclosed space supports mold. Far too many of the containers lack any labels, and I have little idea when/where I picked whatever is inside. I always think I’ll get to it quickly, while I still remember. All too often, I don’t. To be fair, I was better about things in 2022. I think most of the totally unlabeled things are from 2021 and maybe before.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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