Site icon Sitka Nature

Gray and Wet

Overcast with rain. Calm winds with temperatures in the 30s. Snow level down to near 1200 feet.

With a return to rainy weather, I found it easier to stay at at home for more of the day.

It’s just as well, since I had some bureaucratic stuff to deal with (some stuff mixed up) that kept me on the phone for much of the morning.

Fortunately I was still able to work on photos and upload observations. I made progress on August observations from last year. It will take a fair bit more time to get through what remains of that month, but I think September will go faster.

I drove out to Starrigavan this afternoon. Gulls were once again out on the beach. This time I took a picture, but didn’t go out on the beach for a closer look.

I didn’t see whales from Harbor Point today, but sea lions were still active.

A dozen or two murres were out out further than I cared to take pictures of.

A Bald Eagle perched in a tree right by the pullout. Bedraggled looking in the rain, it seemed to be keeping an eye on the goings-on out on the water.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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