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Lichens in the Rain

Heavy overcast with rain through much of the day. Temperatures in the 40s.

When I arrived at the kelp patch turnaround this afternoon, I was a little surprised to see a Horned Puffin sitting on the water not too far out. It didn’t stay for long, but I was able to get a documentary photo.

The rain was sufficient to discourage me from trying to do too much out in the weather (it becomes difficult to see and photograph things through wet lenses).

I did pick up a branch and was curious about a frilly lichen that I think is Platismatia glauca. I mostly think of them having broader leaf bits, which this one also had.

I stopped by Sealing Cove and checked out lichens on one of the planted apple trees. One I thought looked like a strange Parmelia. It turned out to be a Physcia. I think I was thrown off a bit by little bits of Parmelia growing along the margin. After it was pointed out to me on my iNaturalist observation, I understood why it wasn’t really fitting in with my expectations.

At the channel a Long-tailed Duck was sitting at the edge of the ramp preening. I think it’s the first one I’ve seen on land.

I’m down to one day left in July to finish uploading observations.

When I stepped out on the porch late this evening, I was surprised to see a caddisfly had been attracted to the light. I’ve not been checking every evening, but when I have, I’ve not found anything in several weeks.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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