Site icon Sitka Nature

Discoveries on (Another) Gray Day

Overcast and breezy. Temperatures in the upper 30s rising to the low 40s late in the day. Occasional rain the morning with more steady rain in the afternoon. Heavy rain late this evening. Snow levels dropped down to near 1000 feet.

I didnt get out until early afternoon. By this time, it was raining, and the light was dim.

Swan Lake is down to maybe half covered in ice. With the wind, rain, and 40+ temperatures this evening, I wouldn’t be surprised if much or all of the remaining ice is gone tomorrow.

I went by the Path of Hope to check the upper end of the lake for birds. I didn’t see much other than Mallards.

While there, I took pictures of a liverwort and a couple of lichens plus a lichenicolous fungus (which I’ll probably need to go back and collect). All were on a hemlock branch that had fallen down. I’m not sure if it happened in the most recent wind or before that.

I continued to make progress on uploading photos and publishing photojournals from this year. I’ve now finished up through the 12th.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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