Site icon Sitka Nature

Winter Sunshine

Mostly clear skies with temperatures in the 30s.

Clearing skies overnight resulted in a layer of ice developing on the wet ground.

My brother’s flight south was due to depart at midday. After dropping him off at the airport, I dropped the rest of my family at home and headed out to look about.

I stopped briefly at Sawmill Cove, but didn’t venture down to the dock.

I saw the three Wood Ducks and coot with Mallards at Swan Lake. The crane is continuing at Moller Park.

A White-throated Sparrow at the kelp patch pullout was the first I had seen there in a month or so, I think. I suspect it’s the same one I saw earlier, but am not entirely sure.

While at the pullout, I noticed a couple dozen Marbled Murrelets out on the water. Even further out (closer to Kasiana Islands) where twenty or so Long-tailed Ducks.

Since a Townsend’s Solitaire had been seen again at Halibut Point Rec last week, I decided to check there. Things were quiet bird-wise, and I didn’t stay long.

The buoy photos started showing up again today. I have a hypothesis that they stopped because the solar charging was not sufficient to fully power the buoy. In addition to the minimal sun, there have been heavy clouds. Yesterday, the pictures show more clearing.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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