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Golf Course Birds

Mostly sunny, temperatures in the 40s, light winds.

Quite similar to yesterday. Clouds mostly stayed out offshore to the southwest and further to the north. A few did end up over the mountains.

I was considering where to go today and got a message about kestrel at the golf course.

On the 7th fairway I was trying to count the robins, when they plowed up and away from me. A Merlin came flying up off to the right from behidn me and perched in a tree overlooking the course.

Taking pictures as I got closer, I got a few before it took off. It was much paler and grayer than I typically see. I think it may be a Taiga type (using Sibley’s classification)

I saw no birds at pond.

I spent a little over an hour hanging out and observing by the tee for the 6th hole.

Nice mix of birds and activity. I got a look (no photos) at a Rufous Hummingbird for the first time this year. I had been hearing it doing flight display calls, but didn’t see it until it seemed to be checking out a Downy Woodpecker on a willow near the pond below me.

Quite a few Fox Sparrows and Ruby-crowned Kinglets where calling, singing, and foraging. Also a couple of flickers and a couple of Red-breasted Sapsuckers.

I missed photos of a yellow jacket due to unhelpful camera focus settings which took me too long to change.

After an hour and a half, I decided to give up for the time being.

I stopped at Halibut Point rec where it was fairly quiet. The tide was most of the way up.

I had started towards Starrigavan when I got a message the kestrel was by the driving range.

I didn’t take long to get back, and was able to see the kestrel by the driving range. I chatted with DK for a bit and we watched it come and go.

Seeing its patterns this time, I suspect it had been there while I was there, but I was looking more towards the north end where the one last fall had frequented.

I didn’t get great photos, but it was getting to be lunch time and more golfers were showing up, so I called it good.

I made a quick drive by the airport and didn’t see anything.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at home. I thought about going back out this evening, but decided I needed to make progress on projects that have been lagging.

I did a little cleaning and organizing, but have lots left to go.

I figured out how to get livestreaming set up on my computer. I tried it out with recordings direct to computer to test hardware and such. A few wrinkles, but I think I’ve mostly got them figured out. Next step is to try livestreaming.

I think I will livestream both photo review/editing and iNaturalist identifying. I spend time doing both of those things almost every day, and it doesn’t seem like it will be much overhead to do the streaming. Doing the tests, I found it easy to talk through what I was doing. When working through photos, talking both about the photos, and my approach, as well as the story of the day from when the photos were taken. On iNaturalist I talk through what I’m seeing and what I’m thinking for the identification.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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