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Sunny Breaks at Starrigavan and Sandy Beach

Clear skies this morning, with clouds slowly building into the later afternoon. After a period of overcast, clouds broke up again in the hour or so before sunset this evening.

A tortricid moth on the wall by the porch light was doing its best imitation of a white-shouldered moth.

I took care of my radio show this morning and had a turn as part of the pledge drive for the station over the noon hour.

After I was done there, I checked out the channel then drove out the road.

There were not many birds in the channel, though a decent flock of gulls and an eagle or two were wheeling above.

I saw the Greater Yellowlegs at Starrigavan again. The dabbling ducks were out on salt water. The tide was out too far for me to be able to identify them, and others were walking dogs on the beach, so I didn’t check things out further.

I stopped at Sandy Beach for a bit and made my observations for the day.

I had in mind to search for intertidal rove beetles. When realized I didn’t have a good container to put any I might find in, I didn’t try too hard for them. Instead I just made observations of more or less familiar mid/upper intertidal organisms.

This evening I made progress on last year’s observations. Only two days with observations remain. One, a June day on the Chaicheis will end up being my biggest day (observation-wise) of the year. Fortunately, I’ve already got over half the day’s observations done. The other day is from early November, and mostly what remains are a bunch of gull pictures from the channel that I’ve not been excited to sort through more thoroughly.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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