Site icon Sitka Nature

Views from the Island

Mostly to partly cloudy skies and some sun through midday becoming cloudy and rainy this afternoon. Breezy with temperatures in the 40s.

I laid awake in bed last night for much longer than usual without being able to fall asleep. I was glad to get a message cancelling my 8am call. The extra hour or so of sleep helped.

I had calls the remainder of the morning.

Rowan wanted to go out to get lunch. After stopping at the Backdoor we ate at the channel.

The sun was shining and we had plenty of gulls to look at (though others were already parked on the ramp, so we didn’t have the best location for viewing them).

The tide was up. If I had my camera ready and some warning, I could have got nice(r) shots of goldeneyes that came swimming close by. As it was, I got some a few minutes later. I was appreciative that a male Barrow’s Goldeneye and a male Common Goldeneye swam nearby so I could get a picture that made it easy to compare differences.

Dropped Connor and Rowan off and found a place to park and watch. I moved a couple times over the next couple of hours while I talked to my mom after calling to wish her happy birthday.

I spotted the Slaty-backed Gull on the roof of North Pacific Seafoods. It was perched near the edge so I could see it across the channel.

While parked under the bridge, I noticed a Common Loon pretty close to back in breeding plumage.

Swan Lake hosted many more scaups today. While I was there, I only saw wigeons on peninsula. I was tempted to get out for photos, but felt quite tired so thought I might come back later after I had a nap.

While on the call this afternoon, blue sky disappeared and clouds thickened. Rain started shortly after I got back home.

Took a short nap. When I woke up, I decided to stay in due to continuing rain.

I realized I have been working off the wrong template for the card deck box. Today I got the correct one and spent good chunk of evening working on it. Time got away from me and I was up later than I expected.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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