Site icon Sitka Nature

Evening Rainbow Chase

Mostly to partly cloudy. Occasional showers, including large rain drops making for a bright rainbow this evening. Calm winds and temperatures in the 50s.

Drove out to Starrigavan this morning and saw some shorebirds (including 9 Semipalmated Plovers)

Went back out in afternoon and walked around the estuary loop. There were not as many shorebirds.

After ultimate this evening, a rainbow showed up and I spent a little time trying to chase a nice scene featuring it. Initially I went to the channel and took some pictures. When it looked like it was starting to fade, I headed home.

As I came out of the roundabout onto Sawmill Creek Road, I saw it had intensified into one of the brighter rainbows I’ve seen. After taking a couple of photos from the side of the road, I turned around and headed back to the bridge.

I tried to line the rainbow up with the lighthouse, but where I needed to be for the rainbow to intersect the lighthouse was a place where the lighthouse was not visible behind a closer island.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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