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Heavy Haze

Another day that started overcast with a layer of marine stratus. It started burning off earlier today, but never as completely as yesterday, and the afternoon winds did not develop as fully. This afternoon it was quite hazy, and by this evening the clouds were starting to develop more fully.

I spent much of the day inside, but did manage to catch up on some work I’ve been behind on.

This evening was ultimate up at Kimsham fields, so I made brief side trips to the park to check for moths (found none), and Sea Mart to take pictures of Mt. Edgecumbe through the haze.

There was a light breeze blowing from the west while we were playing.

While at the field, I caught a brief and somewhat distant look of what I think was a small raptor which disappeared behind some trees. It could have been a Sharp-shinned Hawk, or possibly a Merlin or Kestrel (though think the falcons are much less likely).

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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