Site icon Sitka Nature

Morning Birding

Mostly cloudy and unexpectedly warm. A bit breezy. Clouds thickened and some rain fell later this evening.

For much of the day, the weather was just about what I would consider in the set ideal. Temperatures were into the low 60s, and it was bright but not harsh light.

I headed down to the park late this morning.

The tide was high, and I sat to observe the shorebirds on the narrow strip of beach in front of the visitor center. I noticed a Semipalmated Sandpiper among them. It didn’t stick out quite as much as I remember some doing, but I’m pretty sure about the ID.

There were more shorebirds, some dabbling ducks, and the continuing Snow Geese at the end of the park, but I didn’t stay there for long.

I made a trip out to Halibut Point Rec and did see the pair of Hudsonian Godwits, among other things. There was someone else there observing the birds, so I contented myself to sit out of the way on the upper part of the beach and just relax and watch from there for a while.

I thought about heading out again later in the day, but the clouds had thickened and a light rain started to fall. With dimmer light and wet conditions, I opted to stay home and work on more of the hundreds of photos I took in the past couple of days.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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