Site icon Sitka Nature

Roadside Deer

Gusty winds and heavy showers with temperatures in the 30s did not feel like inviting weather for getting outside.

A trip to the grocery store did get me out of the house, and I made a side trip out to Silver Bay. No rosy-finches, but I did spot a deer one of the shorter waterfalls that tumbles over the cliffs carved out in the construction of the road.

I stopped at the larger pullout and walked back to take some pictures. It appeared to be relatively small and not especially energetic (which is fairly typical for this time of year).

Even walking the short distance, the wind and rain left me feeling a bit chilled.

On my way back in, I stopped at Eagle Way beach to have a look at the 100 or so gulls loafing on the bit of gravel spit that wasn’t covered by the high tide. Plenty of Glaucous-winged Gulls, Mew Gulls, and Thayer’s Gulls, but I didn’t see anything that stood out as different.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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