Site icon Sitka Nature

Morning Walk, Afternoon Fire

This warm spring day seemed like a good opportunity to work on burning a pile of rotting wood (much of it pulled out of the dirt in the berm) that has been sitting in my yard for some time. Connor helped pull nails from pieces, while Rowan did much of the moving from the pile to near the fire. I was unsurprised that she found multiple insects, spiders, and a snail. Although she does not seem to seek them out like she did when she was younger, she does still have an eye for those kinds of things.

This morning I picked up some wood chips I plan to use as mulch, then made a quick (for me) walk around the park. There continue to be many gulls along the shoreline, though I expect they will move on soon.

The shorebird numbers and diversity are slowly starting to rise. I saw a couple of dowitchers (maybe both species), and a small flock of peeps (including Dunlin, Western and Least Sandpipers).

Despite mostly cloudy conditions throughout the day, the official high climbed to over 60F.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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