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Sunday Snow

Snow squalls were the order of the day. It was warm enough that there was little accumulation, and most of what did stick melted off between showers. Late this afternoon a nice patch of blue sky opened up, letting the bright sun illuminate the snow-covered mountains (at least those that weren’t shrouded in the tattered clouds of active showers).

I took a brief walk to Totem Park to check out the many gulls and some ducks. I did see one immature Glaucous Gull, but nothing more unusual than that. I did not have a lot of time to spend, so it was just a cursory scan. I did notice herring eggs piling up in front of the visitor center. That may bode well for shorebirds at the park this year.

There seemed to be a lot more robins around today, and at least a couple of the ones around the neighborhood here were actively singing like they meant it (instead of the tentative songs I’ve mostly heard previously this year).

(more photos to come)

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