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Starrigavan Valley and an Intense Sunset

Today’s excitement consisted of a walk up Starrigavan Valley to see the recent landslide. All of today’s pictures come from that trip, but I think it deserves it’s own post, so I’ll only comment generally in this one. In a nutshell, an impressive amount of material was moved down the valley, including a substantial log jam that seems like it must have been floated into place (which suggests a hard-to-imagine-where-it-came-from amount of water).

This evening was ultimate frisbee at Moller Park. It’s getting dark much earlier, and the lights switched on a little before 7 (they’re scheduled to come on 30 minutes before sunset) – I hadn’t brought my camera, but I was thinking it could have made for a fun photo of us playing under the lights with the colorful sunset silhouetting Mt. Edgecumbe in the background. The sunset this evening was actually quite spectacular, I was slightly bummed I didn’t have my camera, but I was not really in a great location anyway, so I just tried to enjoy the intense colors with the mental filters that allow one to appreciate it despite all the foreground things that would be a distraction in a photograph.

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