Site icon Sitka Nature

Daily Observations

American Pipit

Weather: It was overcast throughout the day with little wind for the most part. There were occasional light rain showers, and on at least one occasion the wind blew up for a while as the rain shower passed over. The sun came out briefly a couple of times.

Birds: At the park I was able to watch a flock of 5-10 American Pipits foraging at the south beach.

There were 50-100 gulls gathered in various smaller groups along the beach. I have not seen such large numbers of gulls on recent trips to the park. I am uncertain what brings them to the park at some times but not others.

There were still at least two Savannah Sparrows at the park, though I have not seen them in significant numbers on the campus lawn the last couple of days.

Flora: Elderberry flowers are getting cloes to blooming, as are the rosy twisted stalk flowers. The understory of the forest in the park has greened up dramatically in the last week or so.

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