Bear Mountain

Last Saturday dad, Rowan and I went for a hike up Bear mountain. We were at the trail head for beaver lake just after 8:00 am and headed up towards the lake just after that. We walked around part of the lake to a bench then went off the gravel trail and headed into the woods. It took us a couple of hours to get to tree line from the car. Once we got to tree line, we worked our way up the hill to a ridge that over looked a creek. When we got to the top of the ridge, just after noon, we sat down and ate lunch. After we were done with our lunch I went down to the creek to refill our water bottles. Once I had finished filling up our water bottles I walked back to our lunch spot and dropped the water bottles off. I then took one of my water bottles and headed further up the mountain while Rowan sat down at the edge of a pool below where we had lunch and dad headed off to a different hill across the creek. I walked up towards a couple of rocky points to see what was up there. I stopped and took photos of plants along the way. I had gotten around to the back side of the points when a guy and his dog got to me. He asked me to take a photo of him and his dog with his phone so I did. From there he continued up towards the saddle and I looked around the points some more. I walked down to a patch of ice/snow took some photos of it then started heading back since it was getting close to time to head back down. I got back to the pool where Rowan was a bit early so dad was not there yet. I sat down and talked to Rowan for a bit, eventually dad got back and the guy with the dog came by just after. After the guy had gone by dad said there were some Mountain Goats over on the cliffs across from where we were, so Rowan and I took photos of them. After we had taken some photos of them we started back towards tree line. On our way down I saw a couple of pipits and Savannah sparrows. We got to tree line and headed down to the car. We got to the car just before 6:00pm.

Ice at the base of a shoot
Mountain Goats
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