Sunday Walk

Sunday morning I got up and went for a walk. I walked down to the park and out onto the beach where I saw a couple of Blue-winged teal and seven Whimbrels. I walked back to the trail then I walked to the lake. On my way to the lake I felt some of the soft leathery salmon berry leaves. When I got to the lake I saw some Greater white-fronted geese, Mallards and probably the same two Blue-winged teal that I had seen down at the park. I stood there for a bit the an adult and a kid walked out onto the dock and started playing with a RC boat so a lot of the ducks flew up to the upper end of the lake. I walked into the neighborhood by the lake and looked around for a Purple finch that had been seen the day before but I didn’t see it as I walked up the road towards the upper end of the lake. I walked around to the upper end of the lake then I got to where I could see the lake. I sat down and looked out over the lake for a while. I saw a lost duckling, Mallards and the two Blue-winged teal. After I was done looking out over the lake I walked towards the Turnaround. While I was crossing lower Moller field I noticed that there were a few swallows checking out the hallow cross bar of the uprights that were there. I watched them for a bit going in and out then I continued on to the Turnaround. There wasn’t anything at the Turnaround but as I was leaving the Turnaround I noticed a singing Yellow warbler. I stopped and watched and listened to it sing for a bit then I continued on. I happily walked back through the park then I headed home.

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