Unusual Birds This Week

Earlier this week I stopped by the lake on my way back from an appointment.

At the lake there were several Tree swallows, a few Mallards, a American wigeon, some Greater scaups, there was also a Canvasback and a Blue-winged teal. I got some photos of them. While I was still at the lake the Blue-winged teal flew off, but the Canvasback stayed there.

Yesterday I had gotten done with my paper route and was walking back home when I walked by Junk beach. I looked down to see what was on the beach. There wasn’t much, there were a couple Green-winged teal and Gull down at the edge of the water. I watched the gull and something seemed off. It looked all little bigger and bulkier then the Mew gulls that I normally see down there, but it did not look quite big enough to be a Thayer’s gull or something like that. I walked a road that went along that part of the beach and got out my camera. I took some photos of it and when I looked at my photos I realized that it was a Ring-billed gull. I texted a couple people and walked back up to the main road to keep an eye on it from there. A couple of people were able to see it, but it flew away before other people could get there. Dad had been on of the people that had been able to see it before it flew so after it flew off towards the park he went to check a couple of place to see if it had landed at any of those places. I walked home to take care of the photos I had taken of it. I had been home for a little while when I saw a had a text message that there was a Franklin’s gull in the channel. I biked over there. When I got there the people there had lost track of the Franklin’s gull , and had thought they might have seen the Ring-billed gull but people in a canoe went through the flock of gull and had scared it away before I got there. I stayed there for a while, I did fined the Franklin’s gull again, but I did not ever see the Ring-billed gull for sure.                                                           Canvasback                                                      Blue-winged teal                                                        Franklin’s gull                                                                   Ring-billed gull

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