Indian river hike

Today, dad took us up to Indian river falls. It was a nice day out, sunny with a bit of a breeze.
Connor led in the beginning, but fell into the back after we passed a few people that had a small dog. (We ran into a few people that had dogs, in fact it seemed like most of the people we saw had dogs.) So I ended up leading the rest of the way.
I had to pause a couple of times to drink some water, as I had worn my fleece jacket and was slightly warmer than preferred.
The hills I remembered that were near the end were not as big as I remembered, luckily, though I still was a bit tired going up them.
When we got in sight of the waterfall, we stopped and sat down and ate some dried prunes that dad and I had brought up. (I had brought up more than we needed, so there are still some leftover)
After that, we made our way closer to the waterfall, and I did my best to keep my feet dry, even collecting some larger rocks in order to make a small half bridge to jump off of onto another rock.
Once we got closer to the waterfall, dad said that Connor and I could go stand up at the base of it in the wind and mist. Connor was fine with that, I was not. But I had to go up anyways.
Dad took our picture while we were up there. I actually enjoyed it even though it was wet and a bit cold, Connor fled as soon as he could and I stayed and decided I wanted to try to go right up besides the waterfall.
I had to go back to where dad and Connor were and the water was shallower in order to head over to the other side. I told dad and Connor that I wanted to go over there and Connor said he could go with me.
It didn’t take us very long to get over there, I don’t remember what Connor did, but my feet were already wet from the mist so I didn’t worry about my feet getting wet.
Dad took our picture while we were up there, then Connor left and I almost did too but then decided to stay.
While I was up there, I had to yell to ask Connor to take a picture of me with my camera (Which I had left down by Connor’s along with my water bottle so it wouldn’t get wet). He took a few and then dad took a few. I also had gotten closer to the waterfall and was getting even more wet. (I still thought it was fun)
After they were done taking pictures, I left and headed back down. (by that time I could wring water out of my sleeves and hood, and probably my pants, which felt weighed down, and socks too. My shoes were sopping and like sponges as well.)
After that, dad went and sat down in the water like he’d been planning to. He stayed in there for a little over a minute and after he got out there was a noticeable line where he’d been in the cold water and where he hadn’t, it looked like he’d gotten a bad sunburn.
Unfortunately, the sun was mostly covered by clouds at that time so there was no warm sun on the first part of our way back.
I didn’t get hot though! but I was cold-ish… It was mostly my hands that were freezing, the rest of me was mostly fine. Until my clothes got to that one stage between wet and dry were it’s just uncomfortably moist.
Connor was nice and took my camera for me so it didn’t get wet, and I took my water bottle though and it’s bag got quite wet.
On the way back we jogged a little in some spots and stopped a couple of times (Once was because while at the beginning of crossing a log over the water damaged area that had water flowing through it, I saw a bug that had lots of tiny red orange mites all over it and dad took a few pictures).
I also let Connor warm up my hands a few times.
At the end when we got home, I asked Connor to put my shoes on the boot drier and I went and put my clothes in the washer to get washed and dried and put on a new pair. Then we went and at Chile that dad had just made last night and he also made a smoothie.
All and all, I think it was a pretty good day!

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2 Responses to Indian river hike

  1. Grams says:


    Thank you for sharing such a detailed description of your hike. I really enjoyed reading it.

    Love Grams

  2. rowan says:

    You’re welcome, I’m glad you liked it!

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