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Striking Sunrise

Overcast with temperatures in the 40s. Brighter skies and minimal rain relative to the past couple of days.

Despite a late night, I happened to wake up at sunrise and see bright pink clouds out my window this morning. (Sunrise isn’t so early these days – when I looked at a clock, I saw it was already 8:30).

It was enough to get me out of bed to get at least a couple of photos. My view from the house was partially obstructed. I did not figure it would last long enough to be around by the time I got dressed and out to someplace with a better view. Plus I wanted to go back to bed.

I did make it out for a trip this afternoon. I didn’t have a lot of time before dark. I went out to Starrigavan and was able to see both the geese and a pair of Gadwall that have been there recently.

At Halibut Point Rec I looked for the solitaire reported a week or two ago. There’s a good chance it’s moved on, but I figured it was worth a check.

In the already fading light, I walked around Totem Park hoping for a California Gull sighting.

The biggest group of gulls (perhaps 50-75 total) flushed while I was still way up on the beach. Many of them didn’t return. Among those that did, I did not spot the California Gull that had been seen the past couple of days.

While I was out today (at the rec), my attention went to some moss on a tree. Hypnum circinale is a very common moss around here, and I often don’t give it a second glance. Today I noticed it, for whatever reason.

I briefly considered taking a picture, but it was on the shaded side of the tree. The light was too dim for a picture to turn out well.

However, the interaction reminded me that everything is new again. The first of the year is an arbitrary thing, but it serves as a refresh of sorts. I work on year lists of species (via iNaturalist).

When the year starts over, everything I see and choose to document is new to my list. For me it’s a nice way to infuse some novelty and help me remember to return to the familiar and have a bit of the new discovery experience.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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