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Sitka Singers: Thrushes

I got an e-mail today from someone wondering about resources for learning the common singing birds of Southeast Alaska. Of course I’m most familiar with Sitka, but there are probably only a few other species that are commonly heard singing in the Southeast, and most of those would be limited to the mainland or nearby islands. There are lots of resources available for listening to recordings of bird songs, but often the hard part is figuring out how to find the one you heard and are trying to identify. That’s where it can be helpful to start with a list of the expected birds for a given area. As far as I know there is not such a list limited to common singing birds of Southeast, so I thought I would put one together with some notes about their occurrence in the Sitka area and a link to the all about birds page with recordings for the species. (I have recordings of most of our common singers, so perhaps in the end I’ll pull this series together with local recordings for people to reference.)

First up the thrushes. The Varied Thrush and American Robin have distinctive songs that are unlikely to be confused with anything else. Hermit Thrush and Swainson’s Thrush have songs that are somewhat similar to each other, and for the beginner, it may be easiest to just work on recognizing that it’s one of these, but relax about trying to tell them apart consistently at first.

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