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Daily Observations

Rowan and I biked around this morning in hopes of finding the Snow Goose that has been reported a couple of times in the last week.

Weather: Overcast for most of the day, though there was partial clearing. Calm through much of the day, though light winds started in the afternoon.

Birds: At Swan Lake it was pretty quiet near the penninsula. There were a pair of Northern Shovelers and an American Wigeon in the pond lilies up a little ways. At the upper end of the lake it appeared there were some scaups. A handful of Savannah Sparrows were on the penninsula itself. I noticed quite a few Mallards, but conspicuously absent were many females. I think I might have seen a couple of them among the 20 or more males. I suspect they may be somewhere around the lake sitting on a nest.

Flora: Yellow Pond Lilies are starting to bloom.

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