Site icon Sitka Nature

Daily Observations

Skunk Cabbage

Now that my obligations for the spring semester are completed, I’ve entered what I consider the summer season. I took a short walk along Westwood Trail around noon, then went for a walk to Totem Park with Melissa, Connor, and Rowan this afternoon.

Weather: It was sunny again today, with a few high clouds moving over later this afternoon. There was a breeze that picked up in the afternoon out of the Southeast. Air temperatures may not have been that warm, but out of the wind the sun felt hot.

Birds: I saw a couple of Whimbrels fly over while scootering along Lincoln Street this morning.

Tree Swallows were really checking out and chattering about old sapsucker holes in utility poles on Baranof Street.

This afternoon along the park beach there were Dunlin, Least Sandpipers, Western Sandpipers, Semipalmated Plovers, Gulls, Brant, Northern Shovelers, Gadwall, Mallards, American Wigeon, and at least one American Pipit.

I saw warblers in the trees around the neighborhood several different times. I didn’t get a great look, but at least one of them was a Wilson’s Warbler.

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