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Daily Observations

North Sister

Spring Break is now over, and I haven’t been out much the last couple of days, mostly just walking between various buildings on campus.

Weather: Despite the snow still falling, it is seeming more like spring (or so my inner-optimist tells me). The temperatures are warmer during the day, squalls move through with sun shining between them, all these things I associate with spring. The main difference is all the snow still on the ground.

Birds: I saw the first shorebirds I’ve seen since January today. There were several Black Turnstones and Surfbirds out on Sage Rock. They were on the outside of the rock, so I couldn’t get a very good look at them.

The Song Sparrow was practicing a little more vigorously in front of Fraser today, but still he wasn’t belting out the big song. I also heard a Song Sparrow practicing in front of NPH yesterday.

There continues to be a lot of eagles and gulls around. The gulls of especially can be flying in flocks throughout the day. I guess they’re moving from one spot along the shoreline to another, but I’m not sure why.

Other Notes:
I read about something being called the Blogger Bioblitz (see more here). It’s basically a variation on the theme of a Christmas Bird Count. In this case the goal is identifying and counting as many different species of all kinds in an area over a certain time period. The area can be large or small, depending on the what’s being looked at and who is doing the looking. I’m planning to participate and have at least one other person who will as well. We’ll try to get others involved, including students, and any one else who thinks it sounds like fun.

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