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Daily Observations

Trametes versicolor on dead Red Alder

I managed to get out a couple of different times today. This morning I went a ways up from Herring Cove toward Beaver Lake before turning around due to snow, followed by a short walk a little distance down Green Lake Road. Later in the afternoon, I managed to get in some wandering around Indian River, mostly on the side opposite the trail.

Weather: Another day with new snow falling. The temperature was warmer than freezing throughout much of the day, with icicles melting away and water dripping off tree branches, but the temperature is forecast to drop again and there is a snow advisory for tonight. Winds were very calm this morning, Silver Bay did not have a ripple on it when we were driving out Sawmill Creek Road. On the way back, there was a small ripple, but winds were still quite calm.

Birds: There were a couple of Common Murres resting in Herring Cove when we arrived. They left before we got back. Also in the cove were several gulls, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common Mergansers and Mallards.

Along Indian River not too far from the gravel pond (but on the other side of the river), there were quite a few ravens. They were in the trees and cawing, but I’m not sure what they were doing there specifically. It didn’t seem like they were harassing any other birds. It was pretty clear from the tracks in the snow on the gravel bars in the same area that several birds (probably the ravens) had been walking around and maybe playing in the snow earlier in the day.

Other Notes: There were several sets of mammal tracks near the river and adjacent woods. Right along the river there was sign of an otter passing by, also some mink tracks. In the woods there were several places where squirrels had been active earlier in the day.

Breaking a trail through waist to thigh deep snow is fairly strenuous, especially going up hill (as by Herring Cove) or trying to navigate dead falls and stuff (as around Indian River). My legs were pretty tired by the end of the day.

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