Mystery Bird

20120616_mystery_bird clip 1

20120616_mystery_bird clip 2

At the start of a hike up Indian River Trail (to the falls – first time I’ve done that in 3 or 4 years – which was sort of hard to believe) I heard a different sounding bird song. I couldn’t decide if it was something familiar with a song I wasn’t recognizing, or an unfamiliar bird. Fortunately I was able to get recordings of it singing, though with its position up in the canopy and the nearby river noise, the songs don’t stand out super clear. I did a little adjusting with audacity to try and bring them up a bit, so hopefully that helps.

2 thoughts on “Mystery Bird”

  1. Thanks Hugh – I had never heard one of those before. It seems the song is reasonably distinctive though, as everyone who responded (most privately) said the same thing.

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