Overcast with temperatures cooling from near 40 into the mid-30s. Snow developing later in the day.
Gavan Hill ibuttons have been overdue for a visit. My desire to get a record of the cold temperatures forecast for late this week into next week, provided enough motivation to overcome my resistance to getting up a hill.

Even so, I put it off until mid-afternoon. With heavy clouds and sunset less than two hours later, the forested areas were quite dim.
I didn’t push myself going up the hill. I could feel the lack of conditioning for my cardiovascular system.

After taking care of the ibuttons, I walked further along the upper cross trail. I had heard a bridge had been removed. The remains of it were in the bottom of the ravine. I guess that means the bridge wasn’t removed too long ago, otherwise it would have been washed down in a heavy rain event.
I could see where people had been getting in and out of the ravine, so I’m thinking people are continuing you to use the trail. It’s been some years since I last did the whole trail and I noticed I don’t seem to have a track of it. I will try to remember to hike it in the not too distant future. (It could be a good alternative for one of my walk-and-talk conditioning hikes.)
Very light snow started to fall while I was out, but it picked up more later. Not much accumulation this evening, but the ground was white.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today