Overcast with periods of rain. Temperatures in the 40s.
It was the first day in over a week that I didn’t have observing.
My outside time was somewhat limited. I went for a walk around Totem Park with Kitty. This was my first visit to the park in over a month. I would need to review my photos/photojournals to have an idea when I last visited.
Neither of us were really dressed for rain, so we didn’t dally too much in case the rain would start.
The tide was out. As usual most of the birds were out along the shoreline.
Near the river mouth, I saw a shorebird fly that seemed pale. I couldn’t tell if it just happened to have its wings up when I saw it, or if it might have been a Sanderling (or less likely, some other pale shorebird). I walked out for a closer look, but didn’t see anything other than Black Turnstones.
I did go for a short drive this afternoon after running the observing gear out to the industrial park to give back to the folks who provided it for us. The boxes and such had been taking up space, so it was an improvement to get them taken care of. It was the first of what I intend to be many more steps to getting the area cleaned up and organized.
Walking along Biorka Street today, I noticed leaves coming out on a honeysuckle plant. Leaves are also emerging on some of the honeyberries in my yard. Although we’re more than halfway through January, there’s still plenty of time for a hard freeze to damage things.
My iNaturalist Observations for Today