Late October Blue Sky Day

Sunny Fall Day on Castle Hill
Looking Southeast from Castle Hill on a late October sunny day. Mountains in the distance include Verstovia and Bear Mountain

Mostly sunny. Temperatures dropped below freezing overnight and rose into the lower 40s during the day. Light winds.

Late this morning I headed out for a bit.

Yellow Pond Lily Stem (and Hooded Merganser)
Part of my missed shots collection. Remains of the yellow pond lily drew the focus.

At Swan Lake I saw Hooded Mergansers (among other more typical birds for the lake).

Final Cruise Ship
Late October is known for lots of rain and wind, but that is not what greeted visitors on the last ship of the year

Castle Hill was quiet, but some tourists were around. Today was last ship of the season, and it was anchored out in Crescent Bay.

One of these is not like the Others
Rock Pigeon doing its best impression of a loafing gull on the roof of North Pacific Seafoods

I checked the gulls on the fish processor. I think one of them may have been a Western/Glaucous-winged hybrid.

First Bufflehead of the fall (at least for me)

I saw Buffleheads by Ace Hardware. They were the first I’ve observed this fall.

I then drove out to the end of the road. Katlian Road has become very potholed in some sections.

Raven Portrait
One of at least two ravens hanging out at the end of Katlian Road (at least the part open to the public)

Ravens at the turnaround/overlook area at the end of the open road seemed very unconcerned with people. Some of their actions made me suspect they are being fed by folks (they certainly are getting fed at Starrigavan).

Cedar Decline
The slopes across Katlian Bay from Katlian road show evidence of cedar decline. I’m curious about what the overall habitat looks like. As best I can tell from a distance, it’s an open canopy forested wetland area, probably with thin soil.

I noticed cedar decline on the far side of the bay and took some pictures to shar with the visiting scientist who is interested in finding a good study site in a stand of cedar decline.

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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