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Forest and Muskeg Trail

Connor picked today’s walk. We just had the morning, and he said he wanted to go out to Starrigavan. I suggested maybe the Forest and Muskeg Trail, since we had not been on that one for a while, and someone had reported possible Pine Grosbeaks there recently. In the end we did not find any grosbeaks, but we did hear and see some Red Crossbills flying over as well as singing juncos. There were also at least a couple of sapsuckers drumming in the area (we also got a good look at one along the part of the trail where it goes through the woods above Nelson Logging Road).

The tide was up a bit in the estuary, and we didn’t notice anything unusual.

One particular junco was singing from a prominent perch at the edge of the muskeg. It sang as we watched it for a minute or two, but before the first burst of three pictures I took was done, it took flight. I’m not sure if the camera pointed at it may have bothered it, but it seems plausible.

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