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Plants at the Beach

I went for a walk at the beach a couple of days ago. The villous cinquefoil (Potentilla villosa) and black lilies (Fritillaria camschatcensis) are at the end of their blooming, while the coral root orchids (Corallorhiza sp.) seem to be at the height of theirs. A few silverweed (P. answerina) blooms have come and mostly gone since the last time I was at the beach and a few others are just starting. Giant vetch (Vicia gigantea) are still blooming profusely even though there are already well developed seed pods. Goose tongue (Plantago maritima) seems to be near the peak of its blooming also. Cleavers (Galium aparine) were a new-to-me plant that was also in bloom. In the Indian River estuary meadows, I found black lilies still in full bloom as well as beach lovage (Ligustichum scoticum).

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