Migrating Geese

Last night we heard many geese flying over honking. After hearing some sound especially close, I went out to look and saw that it was mostly cloudy with a couple of breaks where the stars could be seen shining through. I did eventually hear some other geese, but they were quite distant. I wonder if … Read more

Migrating Geese

As we were walking on Saturday, we saw a fairly large flock of geese fly overhead. Later that night I heard more. Sunday evening we saw three geese feeding on a lawn near McDonalds. It was too dark to tell for sure, but I think they were Canadian geese.

First Day of Fall

Melissa said that today’s weather was fitting for the first day of fall. The wind was blowing and a cold rain was falling. Over the weekend some of the taller peaks had fresh snow on them. It appeared that the snow level was around 4600 feet. By yesterday the snow level had dropped to around … Read more