Rainy Walk Around the Park

Connor saw a male Eurasian Wigeon at the park this morning, so in the limited time I had to get out between work calls, I decided to walk around the park to see if it was still there.

On my way out, I noticed a stump covered in Pelitgera lichens, mostly P. membranacea, which seems to be the most common around here (now that I’m actually paying attention), but also something else (probably P. neopolydactyla). I’ll have to return to investigate more closely when conditions are more suitable.

When Connor had seen the wigeon this morning, the tide was up, but it had fallen significantly in the intervening hours. I did finally find a handful of wigeons, including what I think is a female Eurasian Wigeon, but the male Eurasian Wigeon did not seem to be around.

Temperatures were warmer today, and despite the rain falling while I was out, I felt like it was a pleasant time to be out for a walk. 

My iNaturalist Observations for Today

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