Getting Back to It

It’s taking me a while to settle back in after back to back trips at the end of June into the first week of July, but it seems like it’s time to get back into the posting habit. I have several days of back-posting to get taken care of (at this point, it’s been long enough they will probably mostly just be the photos) and of course an ever increasing set of single subject posts to get queued up.

Weather so far this July has trended toward the wet side of things with over 3 inches of rain falling over this past week, but it has been reasonably warm.

Today clouds hung around 200 feet or so for most of the day, dropping even lower as they settled in to an evening fog. The forecast for the next few days calls for partly cloudy and a little warmer, so perhaps we’ll get a chance to dry out.

Other highlights (that won’t show up in pictures) from the past few days include the opportunity to sit in on meetings of fluent Tlingit speakers with a visiting linguist.

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